Get Specific OC Lead for Customer
This request retrieves the details of a specific Operator Connect lead.
HTTP Method
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
msTenantID |
string |
The Microsoft Azure subscription Tenant Id of the customer lead. |
Page Number |
integer Default value: 0 |
Page number in range to retrieve. |
Page Size |
integer Default value: 100 |
Number of pages in range to retrieve. |
Example Response
"civicAddresses": null,
"comments": null,
"umpCustomerGuid": null,
"isNotActive": null,
"ovocChannelId": null,
"isDirectLead": true,
"id": "da68eafc-d3c6-4d3b-9a10-c48b26c6086b",
"tenantId": "f94238e5-4f2c-4e1b-8125-2d27122ca75f",
"tenantOrigin": null,
"operatorId": null,
"status": "Active",
"consentedOn": "2024-04-03T13:32:12.8286742Z",
"lastModifiedOn": "2024-04-03T13:32:12.82872Z",
"consentedCountries": [],
"contactDetails": {
"fullName": null,
"email": null,
"phoneNumber": null,
"companyName": "SIPTest",
"companySize": null
"contacts": null
HTTP Responses
■ | 200 OK |
Parameters |
Type |
Description |
civicAddresses |
list array |
List array including the following values:
comments |
list |
Any comments added by the operator regarding the lead. |
umpCustomerGuid |
string($uuid) |
This id is created on the Live Platform database for the customer tenant when a Live Platform license is applied. |
isNotActive |
boolean |
Indicates whether the customer has an active license i.e. OC Essential |
ovocChannelId |
null |
The Tenant Id of the channel for which the lead is attached. |
isDirectLead |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the lead was created as a Consentless lead. |
id |
string |
Internal Id generated by Live Cloud; used for debugging purposes. |
tenantId |
string |
The Microsoft Azure Tenant Id of the customer lead. |
tenantOrigin |
string |
Office365 |
operatorId |
string |
Id of the operator performing Onboarding with Global Admin or Service account permissions. |
status |
string |
consentedOn |
string ($date-time) |
The date of consent by Operator. |
lastModifiedOn |
string ($date-time) |
The last date of modification by Operator. |
consentedCountries |
list array |
The countries for which the customer consented to activate user calling (as configured in their Teams admin center). |
contactDetails |
list array |
List array including the following:
fullName |
string |
The full name of the customer lead. |
string |
The customer lead email address. |
phoneNumber |
string |
The customer lead phone number. |
companyName |
string |
The name of the company of the customer lead. |
companySize |
string |
The number of employees of the customer lead. |
contacts |
list array |
List array including the following:
fullName |
string |
Full name of the customer Global administrator contact or Service account contact. |
string |
Email of the customer Global administrator contact or Service account contact. |
phoneNumber |
string |
Phone Number of the customer Global administrator contact or Service account contact. |
companySize |
string |
The number of employees of the customer lead. |
contacts |
string |
Additional contacts lists. |